Today's snapshot: an email I just sent to my ladyfriend's priest. He's a mensch.

Hi Jonathan!
I'm not able to come to the Solstice service, and I'm real sad about it. I've been looking forward to it for months, told my mama all about it a month ago...and it's just at the wrong moment. I had to chose between it and the ritual at womyn's bookstore (the next installment of the ritual from Halloween), which is at the same time. I really feel wrapped up in swinging with my own faith legacy and deepening connection with the local witchery, they seem my flavor so far. I hope it's going to help me get some work done.
What a weird spectrum of faith traditions I'm touring this weekend! Tomorrow a.m.we pickup SHARE food from Pennsylvania Ave. AME; we're attending a friend's Yoruban Ileke cermony -- no idea, but I'mpleased to wear a light-colored skirt and wrap my head; the Dianic Wiccan ritual in womyn's only space where the Amazons conceive what they will bring forth this coming year; gentle, heart-centered Anusura Yoga with a former stripper friend/luminous being; rehearsal directing girls to make out for the porn theme show with the fringe queers' theatre collective; finish it with Lessons and Carols, my Protestant clergy family tradition, at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen.
That was fun to write, I hope I'm still enthusiastic when it's all over. But it's a charmed life, surely.
Anyway, I would have enjoyed ya'lls vibe very much in this mix. I will miss singing songs and feeling lighter at the end; my ladies are heavy duty, which is a mixed blessing in such a literal way. I like you folks so much in general, and you and I in particular seem to connect about the turning of the wheel. Did you notice that? Easter, Midsummer, Halloween, Yule...we've seen us a year, my friend. I will miss you, I really will.
Kiss the sun for me, I will for you.
also, p.s., this thing where your email is the congregation's email? That's a problem, dude.