This is such an awesome idea, my friend MarilynJean is a superwoman. She's been working for choice in innovative ways for many years, and this party is a grand example thereof, it's inspired! It reminds me of the Pledge-A-Picketer program they are running at Preterm, where I used to work -- for every hour that Protestor X spends screaming at women going into the abortion clinic, a pro-choice supporter gives a donation. If the screamer shows up, s/he is just giving the clinic cash to pay the baby killers. Sweet!
Anyway, CleveLanders, try to make it if you can. There will also be clothes to purchase from my favorite fat fashionista, Rachel Catherine!
Baby Shower for Bristol - Celebrating Comprehensive Sex Education
Host: MarilynJean
Location: Prosperity Social Club
1109 Starkweather, Cleveland, OH 44113
When: Sunday, October 19, 3:30PM
Phone: 216-926-8819
While Bristol Palin's pregnancy is a personal family matter, it has re-energized a national discussion about abstinence-only education and its failure to be effective. Along with movies like Juno, the baby craze sweeping Hollywood, the hyper-sexualization of teen starlets, Jamie Lynn Spears and the rise in sexually transmitted infection cases in NE Ohio, comprehensive sex education is needed now more than ever.
Join me and other snarky change agents on Sunday, October 19 at 3:30pm at Prosperity Social Club in Tremont to celebrate the benefits of comprehensive sex education and take action on the Ohio Prevention First Act.
The Ohio Prevention First Act focuses on the prevention of unintended pregnancies through comprehensive sex education for teens, including abstinence, and affordable, accessible birth control. The Ohio Prevention First Act will reduce unintended pregnancies through: Realistic sexuality education and teen pregnancy prevention programs, Funding for family planning programs, Guaranteed access to birth control prescriptions, contraceptive equity, and emergency contraception access and education.
In lieu of gifts for Bristol and Levi, I ask that donations be made to Planned Parenthood of Alaska in honor of Sarah Palin. Donors will be invited to sign a letter that will be sent to the Governor's office in Alaska, as well as the McCain-Palin HQ thanking Gov. Palin for her generous support of sex education programming. There's no minimum or maximum on donations and donations are not required to attend.
Can't make it? You can send donations to:
(address deleted for confidentiality -- email Starla and I will pass your contact info on to MarilynJean)
Bonnie, owner of Prosperity Social Club, is being generous and opening early just for us AND offering a special on her house Sangria. Prosperity has a full menu and seasonal drafts on tap. There will also be homemade Cupcakes for Choice and baby shower games and prizes!
NOTE ON ATTIRE: I know its autumn, but pastel-colored attire is strongly encouraged!
Can't make it or send a donation, the please share invite with your (cool) friends.
Love Sarah times infinity plus one?
Check out: The Palin Effect
Disclaimer: This fake baby shower is supported by many cool women and men, but not endorsed by any candidate, political party or organization. So if you gotta problem, come see me.
This is such an awesome idea, my friend MarilynJean is a superwoman. She's been working for choice in innovative ways for many years, and this party is a grand example thereof, it's inspired! It reminds me of the Pledge-A-Picketer program they are running at Preterm, where I used to work -- for every hour that Protestor X spends screaming at women going into the abortion clinic, a pro-choice supporter gives a donation. If the screamer shows up, s/he is just giving the clinic cash to pay the baby killers. Sweet!
Anyway, CleveLanders, try to make it if you can. There will also be clothes to purchase from my favorite fat fashionista, Rachel Catherine!
Baby Shower for Bristol - Celebrating Comprehensive Sex Education
Host: MarilynJean
Location: Prosperity Social Club
1109 Starkweather, Cleveland, OH 44113
When: Sunday, October 19, 3:30PM
Phone: 216-926-8819

While Bristol Palin's pregnancy is a personal family matter, it has re-energized a national discussion about abstinence-only education and its failure to be effective. Along with movies like Juno, the baby craze sweeping Hollywood, the hyper-sexualization of teen starlets, Jamie Lynn Spears and the rise in sexually transmitted infection cases in NE Ohio, comprehensive sex education is needed now more than ever.
Join me and other snarky change agents on Sunday, October 19 at 3:30pm at Prosperity Social Club in Tremont to celebrate the benefits of comprehensive sex education and take action on the Ohio Prevention First Act.
The Ohio Prevention First Act focuses on the prevention of unintended pregnancies through comprehensive sex education for teens, including abstinence, and affordable, accessible birth control. The Ohio Prevention First Act will reduce unintended pregnancies through: Realistic sexuality education and teen pregnancy prevention programs, Funding for family planning programs, Guaranteed access to birth control prescriptions, contraceptive equity, and emergency contraception access and education.
In lieu of gifts for Bristol and Levi, I ask that donations be made to Planned Parenthood of Alaska in honor of Sarah Palin. Donors will be invited to sign a letter that will be sent to the Governor's office in Alaska, as well as the McCain-Palin HQ thanking Gov. Palin for her generous support of sex education programming. There's no minimum or maximum on donations and donations are not required to attend.
Can't make it? You can send donations to:
(address deleted for confidentiality -- email Starla and I will pass your contact info on to MarilynJean)
Bonnie, owner of Prosperity Social Club, is being generous and opening early just for us AND offering a special on her house Sangria. Prosperity has a full menu and seasonal drafts on tap. There will also be homemade Cupcakes for Choice and baby shower games and prizes!
NOTE ON ATTIRE: I know its autumn, but pastel-colored attire is strongly encouraged!
Can't make it or send a donation, the please share invite with your (cool) friends.
Love Sarah times infinity plus one?
Check out: The Palin Effect
Disclaimer: This fake baby shower is supported by many cool women and men, but not endorsed by any candidate, political party or organization. So if you gotta problem, come see me.
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