It's so sad, I don't even have a dozen posts yet and I can't keep up with my blog! I expect my rate to dwindle over time, sure. I have good "starting energy", a euphemism that means I get really quite obsessive about new projects until I abruptly quit mid-sentence, mid-puzzle, mid-skein, mid-chopping, whathaveu. So that will likely happen again, I fear. My couple-of-posts-a-week goal will become links-once-a-month, and that will be that. I mean, probably. We all have infinite capacity for change (I am a social worker, it's the mantra of my profession), but let's do just acknowledge my habits and their near inevitability.
But anyway, this is not that. I been a BUSY beaver, yes yes! Here's what's up with me: the Charm City Kitty Club ( (and can I just take a second to be annoyed that making a link in html is not working for me? Just cut and paste already, bitches) show is this weekend -- we have three a year and those weeks are always pretty up-for-three-days crazy. Princess would like to especially invite all you folks (the three or four Clevelanders that read this) to join us -- she directed the "Pussycat Players" (the skits we do in between the performers we bring in and showcase) this time and she is busting her buttons with kinda bashful pride.
So there's that.
I'm in the show (well, my voice is), I'm "in charge" (total figurehead) of our Merch Team and am selling the folkses my own crafts, I'm baking cookies for the bake sale, making props, finding costumes, frantically emailing details, on and on and on, it eats life in the crunch time.
And, happily, I'm helping to get our house together (though, let's be honest, it's 15% my work and 85% Princess') because one of those three fine Clevelanders IS coming down to see the show. It's Sparkle (Hi Sparkle!), Princess' BFF and a very close friend to me as well -- I can't can't CAN'T wait to spend some time with him, he's a mensch.
Aside from Kitty Club, CubeCity is swinging into its busy fundraising season and eating us all alive along the way. I'm coordinating our department's cook-off day. This is a-lot-by-a-mile more work than that little sentence would convey. It's on Monday. The day after Kitty Show weekend. I'm making sure we have enough crockpots (5), Foreman grills (4) and blenders (3) to get the job of feeding our floor tempting treats to raise cash accomplished. It's basically a details-and-chatter job, not the sort I'm suited to at all, and it's at a time when the JOB part of my job is pretty heavy as well. But, obviously, I'm sorta proud of myself as well, it will be a swell event and I'll get a lot of feel-good strokes off of it.
I'm also doing this and that -- house parties and play parties, day trips and head trips, busy and dizzy, helping and counseling and teaching and settling, the flotsam of laundry and jetsam of know, life. I don't have a weekend with a free day until after Halloween.
I'm overstimulated and grateful and, today, really pleased with how beat my drum in the world. I'll see ya when I see ya, ok?